NOTE: This is an archive of my old blog. Go to for my current website.

On the road again

Posted by md on February 12, 2006


I’m on the road again, towards Athens for GGF 16. Two scandals so far:

  1. Lufthansa has stopped giving you metal cutlery. I can’t believe it.
  2. Global Grid Forum and Enterprise Grid Alliance will merge.

Lufthansa now gives you those stupid plastic spoons etc. that tend to break during your meal. This sucks.

I don’t yet know what to think about the GGF-EGA merger: On one hand, it may be a good thing to join the forces of the two organizations in order to move to standardization. On the other hand, there will be more industry people arround and I am concerned that scientists will not be able to allocate the same amount of resources for their contribution to the standardization process.

I am also wondering why the news are not on the websites so far. I received a public email, so I think it is safe to write about it.

Unicore rocks

Posted by md on February 09, 2006

During the lecture today, I also demonstrated how to submit jobs to the Unicore Testbed. It is very easy to install the client and get running.

If you want to play around with the Persistance of Vision Raytracer, here are my files: The Unicore job definition and the möbius input file.

Please note the Unicore job definition is a hack: it doesn’t exploit many of Unicores features. Of course, you can use any povray input file, and change the povray parameters to generate bigger images. But please keep in mind: this is a demonstration testbed, so please do not hack the system, or generate a lot of traffic.

Users don’t know anything… 2

Posted by md on February 09, 2006

I promised that there will be a presentation movie of todays lecture – but I didn’t manage to use my recording software properly. So there is no movie of the lecture available. But I will try to create separate movies for the chapters of the lecture – who wants to listen to more than a hour of lecture anyway?

Stay tuned…