NOTE: This is an archive of my old blog. Go to for my current website.

New Temperature Page

Posted by md on January 08, 2009

I now publish the temperatures I am measuring in Kaiserslautern on the temperature page. Slightly easier to find ;-)

USBTemp: Continuous Temperature Monitoring 4

Posted by md on January 03, 2009

Kaiserlautern, Germany

Its this time of the year: I have time for a small project. This year I have built an USB-powered thermometer. Basically, you just plug it into an USB port. Then you can query the module via a small commandline tool. I wanted to be able to use my NSLU for creating temperature graphs. The image above is the temperature in Kaiserslautern, Germany – updated every 15 minutes.

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FreeRTOS for ATMega644 1

Posted by md on August 10, 2008

six-legged chip bug

FreeRTOS is an open-source realtime operating system for microcontrollers. The ATMega644 of ATMEL provides 64KB of flash program memory in a DIY-friendly 40-pin PDIP package. Read on for how to combine both to my new software development platform.
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