Comments on: Leopard+Terminal+Spaces workaround so much time, so little to do. Tue, 30 Nov 2010 21:05:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: jmg jmg Mon, 26 Nov 2007 18:59:36 +0000 Nice trick :-) To answer your first question: You can change the icon of any file with Finder. 1. Select the file in Finder whose icon you want to use. 2. Press Command+I 3. Select the icon in the upper left of the Info window 4. Command+C to copy the icon 5. Select the file in Finder whose you want to change. 6. Command+V to paste the icon Now, to your second question: Define a trigger in Quicksilver. Nice trick :-)

To answer your first question:

You can change the icon of any file with Finder.
1. Select the file in Finder whose icon you want to use.
2. Press Command+I
3. Select the icon in the upper left of the Info window
4. Command+C to copy the icon
5. Select the file in Finder whose you want to change.
6. Command+V to paste the icon

Now, to your second question: Define a trigger in Quicksilver.
